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单词 除暴安良

除暴安良锄暴安良;安良除暴chú bào ān liáng

champion the good and kill the tyrants; drive out the rascals and protect the people; get rid of bullies and bring peace to good people; get rid of the cruel and tranquilize the good; kill wicked ogres and rescue those in distress; root out the evil and give peace to the good; weed out the wicked and let the law-abiding citizens live in peace
❍ 凡此流著作,虽意在叙勇侠之士,游行村市,安良除暴,为国立功。(鲁迅《中国小说史略》242) There were many stories of this type about brave and gallant men in towns or villages who championed the good,killed tyrants and achieved great deads for the state.
❍ 十六世纪末尾的时候,西班牙的文人西万提斯做了一大部小说叫作堂·吉诃德,说这位吉先生,看武侠小说看呆了,硬要去学古代的游侠,穿一身破甲,骑一匹瘦马,带一个跟丁,游来游去,想斩妖服怪,~。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—142) Towards the end of the sixteenth century the Spanish author Cervantes wrote a long novel Don Quixote,describling how Mr Quixote,fuddled by reading too many romances,determined to imitate the knight errants of old.In a shabby coat of mail he roamed the country on a sorry nag,accompanied by his servingman,eager to kill wicked ogres and rescue those in distress.

除暴安良chu bao an liang

get rid of bullies and bring peace to the people

除暴安良chu bao an liang

get rid of bullies and bring peace to the people

除暴安良除(锄)chú bào ān liánɡ

扫除残暴,安抚善良的人们。eliminate the evil and give peace to the good people,get rid of bullies and bring peace to good people





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