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单词 neutral
释义 neutral /'njuztral US: 'nu: -; 'njutrsl/ adj 1 helping neither side in a war or quarrel: (他国战争或他人争吵时) 中立的; 不协助任何一方的: ~ nations; 中立国; be/remain 守 (保持) 市立。 2 of a coun try that remains ~ in war: 命 it 国的: ~ territory/ ships. 中立国的地区 (船只) 。 3 having no definite characteristics; not clearly one (colour, etc) or another: 无确定性质的; 不属于某一颜色的; 中色的: ~ tints. 不明显的颜色 (如浅灰色等) 。 4 (chem) neither acid nor alkaline. (化学) 非酸非碱的; 中性的。 5 (of gear mechanism) of the position in which no power is transmitted: (指齿轮机械) 空档的; 不传动的: leave a car in ~ gear. 让车子放空档。 ~ person, country, etc; ~ position of gears: 中立蔚人; 中立国; (齿轮的) 空栅位置: slip the gears into 把齿轮推到空档。 ~ity /njuz'traebti US: nu: -; nju-Hraebti/ n [U] state of being ~, esp in war: 中性; (尤桔战争中而) 中立: armed ~ity, readiness to fight if attacked, but remaining ~ unless or until this happens. 武装中立 (保持中立, 但如遭攻击随时可以应战) 。 ~ /-aiz; -Zaiz/ vt [VP6A] 1 make ~; declare by agreement that (a place) shall be treated as ~ in war; exempt or exclude from hostilities. 使中立; 经协议宣吿 (某地) 为中立; 免除或排除敌对行为。 2 take away the effect or special quality of, by means of sth with an opposite effect or quality: 使无效; 中和: ~ize a poison. 中和一种毒物。 ~ ization /(nju: tralai'zeifn US: -h'z-; ynjutrab'zefan/ n




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