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单词 限制


place(or impose) restrictions on;restrict;limit;confine;set limit to
大会可~每一发言者的发言时间。The General Assembly may limit the time to be allowed to each speaker./自第一次世界大战以来,道义和法律上的~一直制约了化学武器。Moral and legal structures have held chemical weapons in check since World War I./将与台湾关系严格~在非官方性质内keep the relations with Taiwan strictly unofficial/在有~的辩论中when the debate is limited/年龄~age limit/时速~speed limit/无~的unlimited;unrestricted;limitless/军备~limitation of armaments/责任~ limitation of liability/优惠待遇~limitation of preferential treatment/有~的遗产管理limited administration of heritage/主权者~行为restraint of princes/有~账户restricted account/有~豁免restricted immunity/有~的国际人格restricted international personality/有~股restricted share/无~的纠缠endless haggling/由于篇幅~ owing to the limitation of space(or limited space)/~发言时间restrict (or limit)the time allowed for a speaker/~(限量)分发for limited distribution/~和裁减核武器nuclear arms limitation and disarmament/~和反限制restriction versus opposition to restriction/~军备的公约convention on the limitation of armaments/~数量limit to a number of amount/~性措施restrictive measure/~性会议restrictive meeting/~性解释restrictive interpretation/~性文件restricted document/~在不超过政治和道义上的支持not go beyond the provision of political and moral support /~性投票limited ballot; restricted ballot/~权restraining power/~传阅范围restricted circulation /~性条款restrictive clause





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