陋lòu ❶ (不好看; 丑) plain; ugly: 丑 ~ ugly ❷ (狭小; 简陋) narrow; humble; mean: ~ 巷 a narrow [mean] alley ❸ (不文明; 不合理) vulgar; corrupt; coarse; undesirable; unrefined: 鄙 ~ vulgar; lacking in refinement ❹ (见闻少) (of knowledge) scanty; limited; shallow: 浅 ~ superficial; shallow; ~ 识 scanty knowledge; superficial views; 孤 ~ 寡闻 ignorant and ill-informed ◆陋规 objectionable practices; 陋见浅识 scratch the surface; understand very little (about sth.); 陋室 a humble room; a room totally without decoration; 陋俗 undesirable customs; 陋屋 hovel; 陋习 corrupt customs; bad habits |