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单词 陈陈相因

陈陈相因chén chén xiāng yīn

[of grain] be heaped on top of the old; follow a set routine; keep on doing the same thing over and over again; stay in the same old groove
❍ 京师之钱累巨万,贯朽而不可校。太仓之粟~,充溢露积于外,至腐败不可食。(《史记·平准书》1420) In the capital the strings of cash had been stacked up by the hundreds of millions until the cords that bound them had rotted away and they could no longer be counted. In the central granary of the government,new grain was heaped on top of the old until the building was full and the grain overflowed and piled up outside,where it spoiled and became unfit to eat.

陈陈相因chén chén xiánɡ yīn

因:沿袭。沿袭旧的东西,没有创新。follow an old routine, follow a set routine, stay in the same old groove, be heaped on top of the old





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