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单词 nerve
释义 nerve /nsv; nev/ n 1 [C] fibre or bundle of fibres carrying feelings and impulses between the brain and all parts of the body. 神经。 '■ cell n cell that conducts impulses. 神经蓟茧。 ' ~- centre n group of closely connected ~-cells; (fig) centre of control. 神经中枢; (喻)控制中心。 2 (pl) condition of being easily excited, worried, irritated: (复)神经过敏; 神经紧张: He is suffering from ~s, quickly and easily becomes excited, frightened, etc. 他患神经过敏的病。 That man doesn't know what are, is never worried, upset, etc by events. 那个人不知神经紧张为何物(即从不为某些事情而忧虑、不安等)。 He has ~s of iron, is never upset, etc. 他从不紧张。 get on one's ~s, worry or annoy: 使某人心厦; 打扰某人; 使烦恼: That noise gets on my ~s. 那声音吵得我心烦。 war of ~s, campaign in which an attempt is made to weaken an opponent by destroying his morale. 神经战; 心理战(破坏对方士气以减弱其实力的活动)。 '~racking adj inflicting strain on the ~s. 伤脑筋的; 令人紧张的。 3 [U] quality of being bold, self-reliant, etc: 胆量; 勇气; 自信心: A test pilot needs plenty of ~. 飞机的试飞员需要大量勇气。 What a ~! What cheek! 多无耻啊! 脸皮真厚! have the ~ to do sth, a have the necessary courage, self-reliance: 有足够的勇气(自信心)去做某事: have the ~ to drive a racing car. 有勇气驾驶竞赛用的汽车。 b (colloq) be impudent enough: (俗)厚颜; 鲁莽: He had the ~ to suggest that I was cheating. 他竟敢说我在欺骗。 have a ~, (colloq) be self-assured or audacious: (俗)自信; 大胆: He's got a ~, going to work dressed like that! 他真大胆,竟敢穿着那样的衣服去工作! lose/regain one's ~. lose/recover one's courage and self-assurance. 失去(恢复)勇气及自信。 4 [C] (old use) sinew, tendon. (旧用治萨; 筋。 strain every ~ to do sth, make great efforts. 尽全力做某事。 5 (dot) rib, esp mid-rib, of a leaf. (植物)叶脉; (尤指)叶的中脉。 vt [VP6A, 14, 16A] ~ oneself for sth/to do sth, summon up one's strength (physical or moral): 唤起(肉体或精神的)力量去做某事; 技起勇气: ~ oneself for a task; 鼓起勇气去做某件工作; ~ oneself ready to face troubles. 鼓起勇气准备面对困难。 ~less adj (from ~ (4)) lacking in vigour or spirit; without energy: (由上列第 4 义而来)没精神的; 没动儿的; 没气力的: The knife fell from his ~less hand. 那拒刀从他那没气力的手中掉了下来。 ~lessly adv




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