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单词 blow
blow2/blə ʊ, AmE bloʊ/ n

(1) 重击 (hard hit or stroke (given with the open or closed hand a weapon etc)) [C]:receive a~on the head头被打了一下;give sb/strike sb a~on the head打/猛击某人头部;a~to the head 对头部的重击;knock sb unconscious with one~of one's fist一拳把某人打昏死过去;

(2) (精神)打击;不幸(sudden shock or misfortune) [C][N(to)]: The failure of his business/Her death/Her illness was a terrible~to him. 生意上的失败/她的死/她的病对他是一个可怕的打击。It must have been a fearful/real/sad/sudden~to her. 这对她是一个可怕/真正/伤心/突然的打击。a~to sb's pride/sb's hopes 对某人自尊/希望的打击;

with/at a (single)/one blow 一举,一下子:He killed four of the enemies at a~.他一举击毙了四个敌人。

strike a blow for/against 为……奋斗(支持)/反对:strike a~for freedom/democracy 为自由/民主而奋起战斗;

come to blows (over sth) 打起来:He almost came to~s with them over it. 他差一点为此与他们打起来。

【辨异】blowstrokehit都表示猛烈的撞击。blow强调猛烈程度(重击)或不幸(精神打击); stroke (打,击,敲)强调速度、突然性和意外的疼痛,如:the stroke of a piston(活塞的冲击),a stroke of lighting (一下闪电);hit (一击,击中)强调结果,如:a direct hit on sth (直接命中)。还有slap (掴,拍)强调用具(张开手掌等)和声音,如:the slap of a beaver's tail on the water (水獭尾巴在水面上的拍击)。





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