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单词 阿谀逢迎

阿谀逢迎逢迎阿谀;阿谀奉承;阿谀趋奉ē yú féng yíng

act the yes-man; adulate; be a toady to sb; blandish; boot-lick; curry favour with; fawn on;flatter and toady to; ingratiate oneself with; lick sb’s boots (/spittle/feet/shoes); make fair weather to (with); be obsequious; pay one’s court to; stoop to flattery; be a sycophant
❍ 他刚刚坐定,这一大群人已经跟了进来,用各种~的言词称颂他神机妙算,……(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅰ—220) As he took his seat they followed him in and started flattering him; praising him for his brilliant strategy…/晚生只是个直言,并不肯阿谀趋奉,…… (《儒林外史》132) I always speak straight out,never keeping anything back or indulg ing in flattery.

阿谀逢迎ē yú fénɡ yínɡ

阿谀:谄媚,溜须拍马;逢迎:迎合。指对别人溜须拍马,极力迎合。curry favor with sb., fawn on, stoop to flattery, lick sb.’s boots, adulate, boot-lick, lick sb.’s boots, pay one’s court to, act the yes man





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