阶(階);[堦]jiē❶ (台阶) steps;stairs: 石 ~ stone stairs; 台 ~ a flight of steps ❷ (等级) rank: 军 ~ military rank ❸ {医} (耳蜗的三个螺旋管的任一个) scala: 中 ~ scala media ❹ {数} order: 非整数 ~ non-integral order; 矩阵的 ~ order of a matrix ❺ {地质} stage: 瓦伦特 ~ Valentian stage; 韦尔芬 ~ Werfenian stage ◆阶层 (social) stratum;rank;section; 阶乘 factorial; 阶段 stage;phase;period;gradation;bench; 阶级 (social) class;step; 阶码 {计} exponent;characteristic; 阶梯 a flight of stairs;ladder;staircase;step; 阶下囚 prisoner;captive; 阶跃 step;jump |