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单词 unfortunate
unfortunate/ ʌn′fɔ:t⨜ ǝnǝt, AmE -′fɔ:r-/ adj & n

adj (1) 不幸的,倒霉的(unsuccessful; accompanied by or resulting in misfortune):an~expedition/start (to one's holiday) 不吉利的远征/(假日)开端;an~accident/decision 不幸的事故/决定;~business venture不成功的投机生易;~turn of events 事态不利的转折;That man has been very~.那个人一直很不走运。be~in missing the concert(某人)真倒霉没赶上音乐会;He was~not to win the race. 他很不走运,比赛失利了。It was~that Larry broke his arm on the first day of the holiday and so missed all the fun. 拉里太不幸了,度假第一天就摔断手臂因而失去了一切娱乐机会。The~man has lost a leg. 那个可怜的人失去了一条腿。〖同〗unlucky,unsuccessful;〖反〗lucky,successful;

(2)不恰当的,令人遗憾的(inappropriate; regrettable):an~mishap/coincidence令人遗憾的灾祸/巧合;~remark/choice of words 不恰当的评论/措词;His~career seemed doomed from the start.可叹他的事业从一开始似乎就注定要失败。He came at an~time. 他来的时间很不巧。He has an~habit of giggling all the time. 他有一个总是傻笑的坏习惯。〖同〗unlucky,luckless,unhappy;〖反〗fortunate,lucky,happy;

←′fortunate adj;

→un′fortunately adv 不幸地;un′fortunateness n 令人遗憾;

n 不幸运(被社会遗弃)的人(people who are generally unfortunate)[C, 尤pl]:Unlike many other poor~s,I did have a chance to get a job. 与其他许多不幸的人不同,我毕竟有机会找到了一份职业。





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