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单词 native
释义 native /'neitiv; 'netiv/ n 1 person born in a place, country, etc and associated with it by birth: (生于该地且与莪地有渊源的) 某地人; 某国人: a ~ o§ London/Wales/India/Kenya. 伦敦 (威尔斯,印度,肯亚) 人。 2 such a person as distinguished from immigrants, residents, visitors, tourists, etc from other countries, usu when the race to which he belongs is different in culture: (别于从外国来的移民、居民、游客、观光客等的) 当地人; 土人 (通常指文化回异者): the first meetings between Captain Cook and the ~s (= the aboriginal inhabitants) of Australia. 科克船长与澳洲土著最初几次的会面。 3 animal or plant natural to and having its origin in a certain area: 原产于某地域的动物或植物; 土生的动 (植) 物: The kangaroo is a ~ of Australia. 袋鼠是澳洲的土产动物。 4 (GB) oyster reared wholly or partly in British waters, esp in artificial beds: (英) 全部或部份养殖于英国水域的嫖 (尤指生长于人工养殖场者): Whitstable ~s. 威玆特布土产的螺。 adj 1 associated with the place and circumstances of one's birth: 出生地的; 与出生地有关联的: your ~ land/place. 你的祖国 (故郷) 。 2 of ~s (2 above): 当地的; 土著的: ~ customs. ± 着的风俗。 3 (of qualities) belonging to a person by nature, not acquired through training, by education, etc: (指性质) 本性的; 天赋的; 天然的: ~ ability/charm. 天赋才能 (魅力) 。 4 ~ to, (of plants, animals, etc) having their origin in: (指动植物等) 原属于…的; 源于…的; 土产的; 原产于: plants ~ to America, eg tobacco, potatoes. 原产于美洲的植物 (如烟草、马铃薯) 。 One of the animals ~ to India is the tiger. 老虎是印度土产动物之一。 5 (of metals) found in a pure state, uncombined with other substances: (狙金属) 天然纯净的: ~ gold. 原金。




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