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单词 uneasy
uneasy/ ʌn′i:zi/ adj [-yier/-yiest/]

(1)心神不安,忧虑(not easy in mind;restless)[A(about/at)]:The driver was~about the icy road/leaving his wife alone in the house. 那个司机对多冰的路面/把妻子单独留在家感到担心。I feel~about her being out so late/his future. 我为她这么晚出门在外/他的前途而忧虑。We grew~at their long absence. 他们这么长时间还不到使我们感到不安。have an~conscience问心有愧;〖同〗worried,disturbed,upset,troubled;

(2)不舒服(自在)的,拘谨的(awkward or unsure in manner):~peace/truce 不稳定的和平/休战;pass an~night度过一个不平静的夜晚;They spend an~day waiting for news. 他们等候着消息度过了一个紧张的白天。She felt~with her new in-laws. 和自己的新亲家呆在一起,她感到不自在。There was an~silence as each person waited nervously for the other to speak first. 每个人都在紧张地等候他人先发言,此时出现了一阵令人不安的寂静。Dominica's internal affairs were~during the year. 一年来多米尼加的局势紧张。〖同〗awkward,uncomfortable,strained, nervous;

(3)令人心烦意乱的(lacking ease or a sense of security):I have an~sensation (in the pit of my stomach)/suspicion (that all is not well). 我(胸口里)有一种不舒坦的感觉/我心中不安地猜疑(一切都不顺利)。〖同〗upsetting,bothersome,unpleasant,disturbing,uncomfortable,worrying;

←′easy adj;

→un′easily adv 不安地;un′easiness n 不舒适





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