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单词 阳春白雪

阳春白雪yáng chūn bái xuě

the Spring Snow [a melody of the elite in the State of Chu]—highbrow art and literature; something selected and among the best
❍ 就算你的是“~”吧,这暂时既然是少数人享用的东西,群众还是在那里唱“下里巴人”,那末,你不去提高它,只顾骂人,那就怎样骂也是空的。(《毛泽东选集》821—822)Your work may be as good as“The Spring Snow”,but if for the time being it caters only to the few and the masses are still singing the “Song of the Rustic Poor”,you will get nowhere by simply scolding them instead of trying to raise their level.

阳春白雪yang chu bai xue

white snow in the bright spring—highbrow literature or art

阳春白雪yang chu bai xue

white snow in the bright spring (meaning highbrow literature or art)

《阳春白雪》yang chun bai xue

The Spring and the White Snow→comp.杨朝英 (Yang Chaoying)


❶Spring Snow
❷highbrow art and literature
现在是“~”和“下里巴人”统一的问题,是提高和普及的问题。The question now is to bring about a unity between “Spring Snow” and“the Song of the Rustic Poor”,between higher standards and popularization./~,曲高和寡。A highbrow tune is never popular.or:Highbrow art and literature are caviar to the general public./“~”与“下里巴人”“Spring Snow”and “the Song of the Rustic Poor”

阳春白雪yánɡ chūn bái xuě

原指古代楚国一种艺术性很高而且难度很大的歌曲名。先多指高深、不通俗的文学艺术。highbrow art and literature, spring snow, caviare to the general





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