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单词 understanding
understanding/ ͵ ʌndǝ′stændɪ ŋ, AmE ͵-dər′-/ n & adj

n (1) 了(理)解,领会(mental process of a person who comprehends)[U a~][N(of)]:have only a limited~of French/the causes of the trouble只懂一点法语/对这件麻烦事的原因了解有限;Few people have an~of international law/what went on in the soul of the artist. 很少有人了解国际法/这位艺术家灵魂深处的活动。My~of the word does not agree with yours. 我对这个词的理解与你不同。〖同〗knowledge,grasp,comprehension;〖反〗misunderstanding,ignorance;

(2)理解(思维)能力(faculty by which one understands)[U]:beyond a child's~超出儿童的理解力;mysteries beyond human~人类智慧所不及的奥秘;a man of great/quick/superior~判断能力强/思维敏捷/智慧超群的人;His~is unequal to the task. 根据他的思维能力,他还不能胜任这个任务。〖同〗intelligence,awareness;〖反〗incomprehension;

(3)相互理解;同情(ability to sympathize with another person's feelings)[U a~]:There is no real/(a) deep~between husband and wife. 夫妻之间没有真正的理解/相知甚深。Because she has great~, people confide in her. 她极有同情心,所以人们信任她。His kindness and~were a great comfort to her. 他的善意与理解对她是莫大安慰。〖同〗sympathy;

(4)(非正式)协定(议),谅解(state of informal agreement)[C, 通常sing]: come to (reach) an~with management/employees about pay与资方/受雇者就工资问题达成协议;We have/There is an~between us that we will only sell to our own customers. 我们约定只给自己的顾客售货。John and Jennie have had an~for some years. 约翰和珍妮已彼此心仪多年。〖同〗 agreement,compromise;

(5)解释,认识(personal interpretation)[U][N(of)](通常fml):My~was that we would have a discussion here. 我原以为我们会就此进行讨论。

on this understanding/on the understanding that在……条件(协议)下:On this~, I am willing to accept your offer. 在这种情况下,我愿意接受你的提议。They divorced on the~that the husband could see the children every week-end. 他们以丈夫可以在每个周未见孩子为条件离了婚。

adj 同情(理解)的,宽容的(characterized by understanding or good sense):an~smile/approach/person 会心的微笑/同情的态度/宽容的人;Try to be more~!尽量通情达理些!The youth was fortunate in having~parents. 那个年轻人有宽容的父母很幸运。〖同〗sympathetic,tolerant,appreciative;〖反〗unfeeling, intolerant, strict;

→͵under′standingly adv 同情地;͵under-′standingness n 谅解





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