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单词 blow
blow1/blə ʊ, AmE bloʊ/ v blew /blu: /,blown /blə ʊn, AmE bloʊn/,(12) pp blowed /blǝ ʊd, AmE bloʊd/]

(1) (风、空气等)吹动,刮((of the wind air etc) move along; flow)[I I+prep] (主语常为it):It (The wind) was~ing hard/strongly.正刮大风。The wind is~ing a gale/in small gusts.在刮大风/阵风。A cold wind blew across the river.一阵冷风刮过河面。A warm breeze blew over the garden.一阵温暖的微风吹过花园。The winds have been~ing from the west.一直刮着西风。

(2) 吹(气) (send out (a strong current of air etc) from the mouth)[I I+prep T+n+prep T+n+adv]:He blew hard/softly (at the candle).他使劲地/轻轻地吹(蜡烛)。~on one's food/one's soup吹(凉)食物/汤;~on one's fingers吹(暖)手指;~into a plastic bag/a tube往塑料袋/管子中吹气;~a cloud of smoke into the air把一团烟吐入空中;~out a stream of smoke 吐出一股烟; 〖同〗puff;

(3) 刮(飘)动(be moved by a current of air)[I I+adv]:The curtain/Her hair blew (about) in the wind. 窗帘/她的头发在风中飘动。

(4) (使)吹动;吹(成某种状态)((cause to)move (usu into the stated condition) by means of a current of air)[T+n T+n+prep T+n+adv I+adv I+prep]:The wind blew her hair. 风吹动她的头发。~the ship off course/the boat onto the rocks/the smoke into the house 把船吹离航线/把船刮得触礁/把烟吹进屋里;The wind/breeze/gale blew some leaves in.风/微风/大风把一些叶子刮进来。The storm blew his hat off/the clothes away/the large tree down.风暴把他的帽子吹掉/把衣服刮走/把那棵大树刮倒。Some leaves blew in/about.一些树叶刮进来了/刮得到处都是。His hat blew off.他的帽子吹掉了。A tree blew down.一棵大树刮倒了。Big spots of rain blew against the windows .大滴的雨刮向窗户。His hat blew into the water.他的帽子刮进了水中。The dust blew all over the decks.灰尘刮得甲板上到处都是。The door blew shut/open.门刮得关上/打开了。

(5) 吹成(某种形状) (make or give a shape to by forcing air into sth)[T+n D+n+prep(for)]:~smoking rings/bubbles/glass吹烟圈/泡泡/玻璃;~sb a beautiful glass rabbit/a vase为某人吹出一个漂亮的玻璃兔子/花瓶;

(6) (使)吹响((cause a brass instrument whistle etc to)sound by forcing breath through it)[I I+prep T+n]:The horn/trumpet/bugle/siren/whistle is~ing (loudly).号角/喇叭/军号/汽笛/哨子在(大声)吹响。~on a horn/a trumpet/a bugle 吹号角/喇叭/军号;~a whistle/a horn loudly大声吹响哨子/号角;~one's own trumpet自吹自擂;The trumpets blew a fanfare.喇叭吹响了一支乐曲。~one's nose noisily使劲擤鼻涕;〖同〗sound,play;

(7) 喘粗气(breathe heavily usu because of effort or strong feeling)[I]:He was puffing and~ing as he climbed the stairs.他一边爬楼梯一边喘粗气。The horse was~ing after the race.赛马结束后马气喘吁吁。

(8) 熔断((cause to) stop working because of too strong an electric current)[I T+n]:A fuse blew just as we sat down to dinner.我们刚坐下来吃饭,一根保险丝烧断了。Take care not to~the fuse.小心别烧断了保险丝。

(9) 爆炸(裂)(break (sth) with explosives)[T+n]:The safe was~n by a thief.保险柜被小偷炸开了。The bridge was~n by an explosive/an explosion.桥被炸药/爆炸炸毁了。A mine blew the ship to bits.一颗水雷把那艘船炸成了碎片。〖同〗explode,burst;

(10) 失去 (lose (money or an opportunity) by behaving foolishly)[T+n](sl):I blew £30 at cards/on a meal.我玩牌输了/吃饭花了30英镑。~a fortune on racing cars赌赛车花了一大笔钱;He blew it/his chances by arriving late for the interview.他面试时晚到,因而失去了机会。With one stupid mistake he'll~the whole project.他犯一个愚蠢的错误就会把整个计划毁掉。

(11)突然离去(go away from somewhere suddenly and quickly)[I](AmE) (sl):Let's~before they see us.咱们快走,别让他们看见。

(12)该死(damn sb/sth)[T+n](infml)(尤用于祈使语气,表示生气、惊讶等):B~it! We've missed the train.该死,我们误了火车。Well,~ me! I never thought I'd see you again.见鬼! 我从没想到我会再见到你。Well, I'll be~ed! He's won again.我真该死! 他又赢了。

blow out (v adv)(使)熄灭(vt & vi):The candle/lamp blew out.蜡烛/灯吹了。Don't~out the candle/the match/the light/the flame.不要吹灭蜡烛/火柴/灯/火。

blow over (v adv)平息(vi):The storm/scandal/trouble/crisis blew over quickly.暴风雨/丑闻/麻烦/危机很快过去了。His anger blew over quickly.他的火气很快消了。

blow up (v adv) 1) (使)炸毁(爆炸)(vi & vt):The bomb/boiler blew up.炸弹/锅炉爆炸了。The ship/car blew up.船/汽车炸毁了。The ship/plane/bridge/factory was~n up. 船/飞机/桥/工厂被炸毁了。2) 责骂;发火 (vi & vt):He is sure to~up/be~n up.他一定会发火/挨骂。3) 爆发 (vi):A storm/The volcano/The old argument/A political crisis blew up.暴风雨/火山/原来的辩论/政治危机爆发了。4) 打气 (vt):~up a tire/a balloon给车胎/气球打气;5) 放大 (vt):~up a snapshot/a picture to a larger size把快照/照片放得大一些;~up a photograph a bit bigger把照片放得大一点;6) 夸大(张)(vt):The small matter/Whole affair was~n up out of all proportion. 这件小事/整个事情被夸大得与事实相去甚远。

→′blower n 吹气的人;吹风器;′blowhard n 自吹自擂者;′blowhole n 通风孔;(金属上的)气泡;冰孔;(鲸鱼的)喷水孔;′blowlamp, ′blowtorch n 喷灯;′blowy adj 多风的;′blow-dry v & n (用吹风机)吹干并做成发型(的动作);′blow-out n 车胎爆裂;保险丝烧断;井喷; ′blowing-up n 责骂;′blow-up n 放大(照片)





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