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单词 阳奉阴违

阳奉阴违yáng fèng yīn wéi

agree before sb’s face,but act in the contrary; comply in public but oppose in private; double-faced; feign compliance; ostensible obedience; outwardly compliant but inwardly un submissive; outwardly obey orders but secretly ignore them; overtly agree but covertly go against (/oppose); pretend observance (/conformity/com pliance) while actually resisting
❍ 他对毛人凤愈来愈采取各种~的手段,……(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》511) His attitude towards Mao Renfeng was still deferential on the surface,but in reality he paid less and less attention to his orders.
❍ ~,口是心非,当面说得好听,背后又在捣鬼,这就是两面派行为的表现。(《毛泽东选集》498) To comply in public but oppose in private,to say yes and mean no,to say nice things to a person’s face but play tricks behind his back—these are all forms of double-dealing.


overtly agree but covertly oppose;comply in public but oppose in private;feign compliance
反对~的两面派行为和一切阴谋诡计oppose double-dealing and scheming of any kind

阳奉阴违yánɡ fènɡ yīn wéi

阳:表面;阴:暗地。形容表面上遵从,暗地里违背,言行不一。feign compliance, agree before one’s face but act in the contrary,obey orders but secretly ignore them, agree outwardly but disagree inwardly





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