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单词 underground
undergroundadv / ͵ ʌndǝ′ɡraʊnd, AmE ͵-dər′-/[无comp]; adj /′ ʌndǝɡraʊnd/,[无comp]; n /′ʌndǝɡraʊnd, AmE ′-dər-/

adv (1) 在地下(below the surface of the ground):(mines) be a long way~(矿藏)深埋在地下;The rabbit lives~. 这只兔子在土洞里生活。The stream flows~(for half a mile). 这条小溪在地下流过(半英里)。The badger's tracks disappeared~. 獾的踪迹消失在地面下。

(2)秘密(偷偷)地(conducted in secret):The movement is operating~. 这场运动正在秘密地进行。(news) be passed on~, but not in the official newspapers(消息)在秘密传播,但官方报纸并未报道;He will go~if the police start looking for him. 如果警方开始寻找他的踪迹,他将转入地下。〖同〗 secretly;〖反〗 openly;

adj (1) 地下的(below the surface of the ground;hidden)[作attrib]:an~car park/installation/repair地下存车场/设施/维修;~caves/passages/railways/railroads地下洞穴/通道/铁路/铁路;The power lines for the new houses are~. 新房屋的电源线都在地下。〖同〗buried;

(2)不公开的,秘密的((of esp political organizations) secret and working against the ruling power)[作attrib](fig): the~press/newspaper不公开的刊物/报纸;the~resistance/political movevent 地下抵抗/政治运动;The spy never told his family about his~activities. 那个间谍从未向家人讲过他的秘密活动。〖同〗secret;〖反〗open;

n (1) 地铁(electric underground urban railway)[C the~;U(by~)]:go on the~乘地铁去;She hates travelling by~. 她讨厌乘地铁旅行。fares on the London U~乘伦敦地铁的车费;~stations 地铁站;

(2)地下组织(活动)(secret movement or groupesp in an occupied country for resistive action)[CGp]:join the~参加地下组织;work for/contact the~为地下组织工作/与地下组织取得联系;He's a member of the~. 他是这个秘密组织的一员。







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