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单词 闻风丧胆

闻风丧胆wén fēng sàng dǎn

become terror stricken (/panic-stricken/terrified) at the news;get panic-stricken at the mere mention of;lose courage at hearing sth (/sb) strike (the greatest)terror into the heart of
❍ 恩师以宫保部院之尊,久任总督,德高望重,威名赫震,流贼闻之丧胆,故请用恩师名义谕降,更易成功。(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅰ—228) Your Excellency has the exalted position of Imperial Guardian,and you have been in command of all our armed forces for many years. Your fame,known far and wide,strikes awe into the rebels;so a letter written in your name will be more effective.

闻风丧胆wen feng sang dan

become terror-stricken at the news

闻风丧胆wén fēnɡ sànɡ dǎn

一听到消息就失去了胆量。 become terror-stricken at the news, be scared stiff by the name of, lose heart upon hearing sth.





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更新时间:2025/1/19 14:21:06