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单词 闲言闲语

闲言闲语闲言碎语xián yán xián yǔ

idle tittle-tattle; rumours; sarcastic remarks (/com plaints);/是呀,外边对我们棉纺公会有不少~,……(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—472) Yes,there’s a lot of idle tittle-tattle outside about our association: …/而银凤的娘老子则更因为闲言闲语,早和他不答话了。(柳青《铜墙铁壁》45) On account of the rumours,Yinfeng’s mother and father had stopped talking to him.
❍ 妈爱我,所以肯把责任担在自己的肩上,不顾一般亲戚的~。(巴金《家》20) She is willing to take the brunt on her shoulders,no matter how relatives sneer,because she loves me.
❍ 他不知道生活难做,车间首先会怪到工程师的头上,而现在事实上对韩工程师已经有了~。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—337) He did not realize that the first person that would be held responsible by the workers for any difficulty they had with their work would be the engineer himself and that things were in fact already being said about Han Yuncheng behind his back.





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