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单词 问心无愧

问心无愧wèn xīn wú kuì

feel (/have) no qualms upon self-examination;be a clean hand that needs no washing;have a clear(/clean/good)conscicnce;have done nothing to be ashamed of;have no cause for shame;have no compunctions;honestly feel one has not done anything wrong;with peace of con science
❍ 我是~,我是视死如归,曲直忠邪,自有千秋的判断。(郭沫若《屈原》51)I have done nothing to be ashamed of!I can look on death without flinching!Which of us is right and which wrong,which loyal and which treacherous,future generations will decide.
❍ 所以我只得打扮起来,宁可人们说闲话,我自己总是~。(鲁迅《华盖集》24)So I have to dress smartly,even if it causes gossip.I have nothing to feel ashamed of.
❍ 他自认一生是“~”的,对得起一切皇上、统治者和财东。(柳青《创业史》305) Wang felt he had led a blameless existence,and had done his duty by all emperors,rulers and landlords.
❍ 这些学生又不是我的子弟。我教功课只须~,……(叶圣陶《倪焕之》113)These boys are none of mine.So long as my conscience is clear where my own lessons are concerned…/小兰~,说:“见官就见官吧。”(田汉《关汉卿》7) But Xiaolan replied with a clear conscience,“All right,go ahead and take me to the court.”


have a clear conscience;have no guilty conscience

问心无愧wèn xīn wú kuì

自己问自己,感到没有什么可惭愧的。指自己没有做对不起人的事情。have a clear conscience, be able to look people in the eye, with peace of conscience, have nothing on one’s conscience





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