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单词 闭目塞听

闭目塞听闭目塞聪bì mù sè tīng

be completely out of touch with developments around one; cut oneself completely off from the world; (in)blind obstinacy; shut one’s eyes and shut (/stop up)one’s ears—be out of touch with reality; turn a blind eye and deaf ear to
❍ 一个~、同客观外界根本绝缘的人,是无所谓认识的。(《毛泽东选集》267) For a person who shuts his eyes,stops his ears and totally cuts himself off from the objective world,there can be no such thing as knowledge.

闭目塞听bì mù sè tīnɡ

闭住眼睛,堵住耳朵。比喻脱离实际。be out of touch with reality, cut oneself off from reality, turn a blind eye and deaf ear to





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