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单词 type
type2/taɪp/ nv [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)印刷用的活(铅)字(small block esp of metal or woodwith a raised letter or figure on it for use in printing)[C]:a book printed in large~用大号铅字排印的书;

(2)字体;活(铅)版(metal lettersnumbersetc made into a block or blocksand used in printing booksetc)[U]:set the~for the printing of the newspaper 为印刷报纸选定字体;set sth in bold/roman/italic~将某文稿排成黑/正/斜体字;〖同〗pattern;

v 打字(write sth with a typewriter or word processor)[II+advT+nT+n+adv(out/up)]:~with four fingers 用四个手指打字;It is easy to learn to~. 学打字很容易。She was~ing away in the little room. 她正在那间小屋打字。Each day he~d what he composed. 他每天把创作的(乐曲、诗歌等)打下来。(letter/article) need to be~d (out) again(信/文章)需要再打一遍;~(out) a letter carefully 仔细地打一封信;

→′typing n 打字;文稿;′typist n 打字员;′typeface n 字体;′typescript n 打字稿(文件);′typesetter n 排字工人;排字机;′typewriter n 打字机;′typewritten adj 用打字机打出的





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