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单词 门可罗雀

门可罗雀mén kě luó què

you can catch sparrows on the doorstep—visitors are few and far between;a deserted house
❍ 因此凡是神庙所在,都成了~的地方。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》363) The result of this was that the places where the shrines were built became deserted.
❍ 及废,门外可设雀罗。(《史记·汲郑列传》3114) ❶Later,however,when he lost his position,he might have spread a sparrow net in front of his gate without fear of anyone stumbling into it.
❷When he was dismissed you could have trapped birds at his door.


(of a building)you can catch sparrows on the doorstep—visitors are few
生意清淡,~。Business is sluggish,and there are few customers.

门可罗雀mén kě luó què

罗:张网捕捉。门口可张网捕捉鸟兽。形容门庭冷落,宾客稀少。where visitors are few and far between, you can catch sparrows on the doorstep





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