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单词 type
type1/taɪp/ nvt [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)类型,种类(group of persons or things sharing common characteristics that set them apart from others)[C][N (of)]:This~of car is very fast. 这类车开起来特别快。 This~of reading is very interesting. 这类读物非常有趣。different racial~s 不同的人种;a~of tea/plant/house 一种茶/植物/房子;a new (different)~of dictionary/stethoscope/rose/washing powder/education 一种新型(不同类型)词典/听诊器/玫瑰花/洗衣粉/教育方式;all~s of insects各种类型的昆虫;designs of all~s 各种设计;What~of animal is this? 这是哪一种动物?Which~of coffee/meat do you prefer? 你喜欢哪种咖啡/肉?〖同〗class,kind,sort,category;

(2)典型且有代表性者(model;thing or person that represents a class perfectly or in the best way)[C][N (of)]:a fine~of schoolboy 学生中的模范;the artistic~艺术家类型的人;That is not the~of politician/hero/party/stability I mean. 这不是我指的那种典型的政治家/英雄/晚会/稳定性。〖同〗model,sample;

(3)某种类型的人(sort of person)[C]:a brainy/pleasant~一个聪明/快乐的人;My brother is not my~. 我弟弟跟我不是一个类型的人。

vt 划分类型(classify according to its type or class)[T+nC+n+as]:It's difficult to~this virus/the rare disease. 难以把这种病毒/奇症归类。~patients by age and blood group 把病人按年龄和血型分类;~sb as a villain 把某人归为反派角色;〖同〗classify;

→′type-cast v 分派角色;

【用法】type of 后可以不用不定冠词a 或an,如:What~of man do you prefer?(你喜欢哪一类人?)





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