释义 |
长生不老cháng shēng bù lǎoageless;enjoy eternal youth; ever young; never get (/grow) old but live for ever; perpetual rejuvenation ❍ 中间一千二百株,层花甘实,六千年一熟;人吃了霞举飞升,~。(《西游记》58)The twelve hundred in the middle have multiple blossoms and sweet fruits,and ripen every six thousand years; whosoever eats them can fly and enjoy eternal youth. ❍ 这两件粗物,就卖得七千两银子,只是除非穿上~,就得成佛作祖,也值不得这样多! (《西游记》 159)You want seven thousand taels of silver for two such common articles? They are not worth that much even if wearing them would make you immortal or turn you into a buddha. ❍ 梦见一个白胡子老头儿,手里托着一丸药,说这是~丹,特意来孝敬万岁爷的。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》75)An old man with a white beard held a pill in his hand and told me that it was a pill of immortality that he had especially brought as a humble present to the Lord of Ten Thousand Years. ❍ 学一个不老长生,躲过阎君之难。(《西游记》)So that I may never get old,but live for ever and escape the hand of death. 长生不老agelessness;everlasting life
长生不老immortality 长生不老chánɡ shēnɡ bù lǎo永远活着。永远年轻。ever-young, live forever and never grow old, ageless
长生不老chánɡ shēnɡ bù lǎo祝福他人长寿的吉祥话。May you live forever! |