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单词 move
释义 move2 /mwv; muv/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 15A, B, 2A, C] (cause to) change position; put, cause to be, in a different place or attitude; (cause to) be in motion: (使)改变位置; 移动; 搬动; 开动: M~ your chair nearer to the fire. 把你的甬子挪近火炉一点。 It was calm and not a leaf ~d. 平静得连一片叶子也没有动。 It's your turn to ~, (in chess, etc) to ~ a piece from one square to another. (T 棋等)该你走了; 轮到你走 (棋)了。 ~ heaven and earth, do one's utmost, use every possible means (to do sth 尽最大力量; 千方百计(与不定词连用)。 2 [VP6A, 2C] ~ (house), take one,s furniture, etc to another house, flat, etc: 搬家; 迁居: We're moving (house) next week. 我们卞星期搬家。 ~ in. take possession of a new dwelling-place. 搬进; 迁入新启。 ~ out, give up a dwelling-place: 搬出; 迁出: We ~d out on Monday and the new tenants ~d in on Tuesday. 我们星期一迁出,新房客星期二就搬进来。 3 [VP2C, 15B] ~ on. ~ to another place or position (eg when ordered to do so by a policeman). 朝前走; 走开(如警察命令行人、车辆等移动)。 ~ sb on, cause him to ~ by giving him the order 'M~ on, please ; 命令某人朝前走或走开。 ~ along/ down/up, ~ farther in the direction indicated so as to make space for others: 往前移动(住下移动; 往上移动; 以让出空间给别人): 'M ~ along, please', said the bus conductor. 公共汽车收票员说,'请往前走,。 4 [VP6A, 15A] arouse, work on, the feelings of; affect with pity, etc: 激动; 煽动; 感动: be ~d with pity/compassion; 为怜悯之情所动; be ~d to tears. 感动得流泪。 We were all ~d by her entreaties. 我们都被她的恳求所感动。 The story of their sufferings ~d us deeply. 他们苦难的经历深深地感动了我们。〃 was a moving sight. 那是个感人的情景。 5 [VP17] cause (to do sth): 使做某事: Nothing I said ~d him to offer his help. 我说什么都不能使他提供协助。 The spirit ~d him to get up and address the meeting, He felt a desire to do this. 他觉得自己有一种愿望,想要站起来对参加这个会的人们说话。 Who vas the moving spirit in the enterprise, Who started it and was most active? 谁是这个企业的主脑? 6 [VP6A, 9] put forward for discussion and decision (at a meeting): (开会时)提议: Mr Chairman, I ~ that the money be used for library books. 主席,我提议把那笔钱用来增购图书馆的藏书。 → motion ⑶ . 7 [VP3A] ~ for, make formal application for: 正式要求; 请求: The noble Lord ~d for papers, ie in a debate in the House of Lords. (英)这位上议院议员正式要求査看一些文件。 8 [VP2A, C] make progress; go forward: 进书; 前进: Time ~s on.. 时尧流逝。 The work ~s slowly. 工作进展缓慢。 Things are not moving as rapidly as we had hoped. 事情进行没有像我们希望的那么快。 9 [VP2A, C] take action: 采取行动: Nobody seems willing to ~ in the matter. 似乎没有人愿意对这件事采取行动。 10 。 [VP2C] live one's life; pass one's time: 生活; 度日子: They ~ in the highest society. 他们和上流社会人士交往。 11 [VP6A, 2A] cause (the bowels) to act, to empty; (of the bowels) be emptied. 使(肠)通便; (指肠)通便。




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