释义 |
长(長)chánɡⅠ ❶ (两点之间的距离大小,包括时间和空间) long: 夏季昼 ~ 夜短。 In summer the days are long and the nights short. 这条河很 ~。 This is a long river. ❷ (时间久) of long duration;lasting: 与世 ~ 辞 depart from the world for ever;pass away Ⅱ ❶ (长度) length: 那座桥有200米 ~ 。 The length of the bridge is 200 metres. 这只艇以3艇 ~ 之差得胜。 The boat won by three lengths. ❷ (长处) strong point;forte: 取人之 ~,补己之短 overcome one's shortcomings by learning from others' strong points ❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 武子 Chang Wuzi Ⅲ (对某事做得特别好;擅长) be good at;be strong in: 她 ~ 于绘画。 She is good at painting.;Painting is her forte. Ⅳ (常) often: 细水 ~ 流 go about sth. little by little without a letup 另见 see also zhǎnɡ。 ◆长半径 major radius;semi-major axis; 长臂猿 gibbon;hylobatidae; 长波 long wave (L.W.);kilometer wave;major wave;{气} planetary wave; 长城 (中国的万里长城) the Great Wall;(坚不可摧的堡垒) impregnable bulwark; 长虫 [口] snake; 长抽短吊 combine long drives with drop shots; 长处 forte;good qualities;strong [good] points; 长春 Changchun (in Jilin Province); 长蝽 {动} chinch bug; 长此以往 if things go on like this;if things continue this way;persist in so doing; 长存 live forever; 长凳 bench; 长笛 flute; 长度 length;longitude;size;extent;footage; 长短 (长度) length; 长短句 poetry written to certain tunes with strict tonal patterns and rhyme schemes in fixed numbers of lines and words;a kind of classical poetry consisting chiefly of seven-character lines interspersed with shorter or longer ones; 长队 queue; 长吨 long ton (1.016公吨);长方形 oblong;rectangle;oblong shape; 长歌当哭 roar out a somber song instead of crying;intone [compose poems] to express freely one's anger;express one's grief and anger in one's long verses; 长工 farm labourer hired by the year;longterm hired hand; 长鼓 long drum; 长骨 long bone; 长号 trombone; 长河 long river;endless flow;long process; 长话 [简] (长途电话) a long-distance call; 长话短说 make short of long;make a long story short; 长活 long-term job (of a farm labourer); 长假 (take) long leave; 长江 the Changjiang River;the Yangtse River; 长焦距 {摄} long-focus; 长颈鹿 giraffe; 长镜头 a full length shot; 长久 for a long time;permanently; 长久之计 go on for long;(be) a long-term policy;a permanent arrangement;permanent solution;a long plan for the future; 长距离 long haul;long distance; 长空 vast sky; 长裤 trousers;pants;slack;longs; 长廊 (走廊) pawn;a covered corridor or walk;gallery;(北京颐和园长廊) the Long Corridor; 长眠 [婉] eternal [last;long] sleep;death;die; 长明灯 altar lamp which burns day and night; 长命 long life;longevity; 长命百岁 Many happy returns (of the day)!;life of a hundred years.;live to be a hundred;live to a ripe old age;May you live a hundred years!;长年 all the year round; 长年累月 Months and years pass by.;year in year out;all the year round;year after year;over the years; 长袍 robe;(long) gown;vest;galabia;galabieh;galabeah;gallabiya;banyan;banian; 长跑 {体} long- distance race;long-distance running;long distance run; 长篇大论 a long and minute statement;long- windedness;lengthy speech or article;heaps of words;long-winded speech;long-drawn-out article; 长篇小说 novel;full-length novel; 长片 {影} lengthy motion picture; 长期 over a long period of time;long-term;long range;secular; 长期共存 long-term coexistence; 长期亏损企业 enterprises with a long history of running at a loss; 长枪 (长矛) spear;pike;(长筒的枪) long-barrelled gun; 长驱 (of an army) make a long drive;push deep; 长驱直入 march into;drive straight in;drive into;enter directly without resistance;push forward unopposed;advance unchecked;penetrate inland unchecked; 长沙 Changsha; 长衫 long gown; 长蛇阵 single-line battle array; 长舌 fond of gossip; 长生 long life;longevity; 长生不老 ever-young;be alive for evermore;enjoy a long,long life without old age;live forever and never get [grow] old;live forever without getting old;never get old,but live forever;perpetual rejuvenation;ageless;immortal; 长生果 [方] peanut; 长石 {矿} feldspar; 长时记忆 long term memory; 长逝 pass away;be gone forever; 长寿 long life;longevity;long live; 长丝 filament;filament yarn; 长随 [旧] servant; 长叹 deep sigh;have a deep sigh;sigh deeply; 长条 pencil; 长挑 (person) tall and slender; 长亭 formally rest pavilion on highway; 长筒袜裤 pantyhose; 长统马靴 top boot; 长统袜 stocking; 长统靴 kneeboot;hip boot;boot;jackboot;pedule; 长途 long-distance; 长途跋涉 a long journey to be made on foot;a long and arduous journey;a long and hard journey;a long trek;make a long journey on foot;trek a long way;trudge over a long distance; 长途奔袭 {军} long-distance [long-range] raid; 长途电话 toll call;toll;toll telephone system;long distance call;long distance telephone;long distance telephone call;trunk-call;long distance trunk; 长途电话费 toll charge; 长途贩运 transport for sale over a long distances; 长途运输 long-distance transport; line-haul; 长袜 stocking;netherstock; 长网 {纸} fourdrinier wire; 长尾鹏 paradise flycatcher; 长线 long-line; 长吁短叹 sigh deeply;heave sighs,short and long;moan and groan;sigh and moan [groan];sigh incessantly;sobbing and sighing;sighs and groans;utter short sighs and long ones; 长须鲸 razorback;rorqual;finback;fin whale; 长靴 thigh boot; 长阳人 Changyang Man (a type of primitive man of about 100,000 years ago whose fossil remains were found in Changyang,Hubei Province,in 1956 and 1957);长夜 long night;eternal night; 长椅 bench; 长缨 [书] long rope,string,etc.; 长于 (善于) be good at; 长元音 {语} long vowel; 长远 long-term;long-range; 长斋 (Buddhists') permanent abstention from meat,fish,etc.; 长征 (长途旅行;长途出征) expedition;long march;(中国工农红军二万五千里长征) the Long March (1934.8-1936.10);长治久安 long period of stability;prolonged political stability;the long term peace and stability;long period of order and stability;lasting political stability;a lengthy peaceful reign;a lasting good order; 长足 [书] by leaps and bounds
长(長)zhǎnɡⅠ ❶ (年纪较大) older; elder; senior: 比她年 ~ older than her; 家兄比我年 ~ 两岁。 My brother is senior to me by two years. 他比我 ~ 一辈。 He belongs to my father's generation. ❷ (排行最大) eldest; oldest: ~ 女 eldest daughter; ~ 兄 eldest brother Ⅱ (领导人) chief; head; leader: 代表团团 ~ head of a delegation; 董事 ~ chairman of the board; 科 ~ section chief; 一家之 ~ the chief of a family Ⅲ ❶ (生) come into being; begin to grow; form: ~ 癌 get cancer; ~ 疮 have a boil; ~ 锈 get rusty; 桃树 ~ 虫了。 The peach tree is wormy. 这些树二月里 ~ 叶子。 These trees come into leaf in February. ❷ (生长; 成长) grow; develop: 青年时期是 ~ 身体的时期。 Youth is the time of physical growth. 她 ~ 得比母亲都高一点了。 She has grown so that she is even a little taller than her moth ̄ er. 庄稼 ~ 得很旺。 The crops are growing very well. ❸ (增进; 增加) acquire; enhance; increase: ~ 见识 increase one's knowledge; gain experience; 此风不可 ~。 Such a tendency is not to be encouraged. 另见 see also chánɡ。 ◆长辈 elder member of a family; elder; senior; 长膘 fatten up; 长出 send forth; come into leaf [bud]; 长大 grow; grow up; be brought up; 长房 the eldest branch; 长官 senior officer or official; commanding officer; 长机 {军} lead aircraft; leader; 长见识 increase one's knowledge; gain experience; 长进 progress; 长老 [书] elder; elder of a Buddhist monastery; 长亲 elder relatives; 长势 site; the way a crop is growing; 长孙 son's eldest son; eldest grandson; a surname; 长相 [口] looks; features; appearance; 长者 elder; senior; venerable elder; 长子 eldest son |