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单词 tutor
tutor/′tju:tǝ(r),AmE ′tu:-/ n v[-ing/rɪ ŋ/]

n (1) 1)导师(teacher in British universities who guides a small number of students in their studies)[C]:A~helped me prepare for the English exam. 一个导师帮我准备英语考试。〖同〗instructor,master,teacher; 2)大学助教(teacher of academic rank lower than instructor in some American universities and colleges)[C](AmE):There are 200~s and 100 instructors in this college. 在这所学院里有200名助教,100名讲师。〖同〗 teacher,coach;

(2)私人(家庭)教师(privately-employed teacher)[C]:pay a~to come to the house to teach one's child 付钱请家庭教师来家里教孩子;employ a dancing~to teach sb 雇一个家庭教师教某人舞蹈;〖同〗coach,instructor,master,teacher;〖反〗pupil,student;

(3)某一学科(尤音乐)的教科书(book which teaches a particular subjectesp music)[C]:buy a violin/piano~买一本小提琴/钢琴教科书;

v(1) 1)个别辅导(act as a tutor;instruct or teach privately) [T+nT+n+prep(in)]: ~sb for an examination 辅导某人准备考试;~sb in sb's worst subjects/mathematics 辅导某人最差的学科/数学;〖同〗coach,instruct; 2)当导师(私人教师)(work as a tutor)[I]:~ing and research 个别辅导与研究;For extra money,she~s on weekends. 为了额外挣点钱,她每个周末当家教。

(2)控制(control oneself or one's feelings)[T+nC+n+to-inf](fml):~one's feelings/one's passions 控制自己的感情/激情;~oneself to be patient 培养耐心;〖同〗control;

→tu′torial adj 私人教师的;导师的;n 指导课





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