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单词 mother
释义 mother /'mAda(r); 'm/vSv/ n 1 female parent; woman who has adopted a child; woman (often 常作 'housemother) who is in charge of children in a boarding-school or home1 (2). 母亲; 养母; (寄宿学校或孤儿院中照管孩子们的)保姆。 2 quality or condition that gives rise to sth: 根本; 起源: Misgovernment is often the ~ of revolt. 治理不善常常是叛乱的根源。 Necessity is the ~ of invention, (prov). (谚)需要为发明之母。 3 head of a female religious community. 妇女宗敎团体的首长。 M~ Superior, head of a convent. 女修道院院苌。 4 (various uses) (各种不同用法) the |~country, a one's native land. 祖国。 b a country in relation to colonies, etc. (殖民为夺的)母国。 ~-inlaw /'mAdar in lx; 'mAdannyb/ n (pl ~ s-in-law) ~ of one's wife or one's husband. 岳母; 婆婆。 I ~-of-1 pearl n [U] hard, smooth, shiny, rainbowcoloured material that forms the lining of some shells, esp the pearl-oyster, used for making buttons, ornaments, etc. (K 殻,尤指珍珠贝的)珠母层; 真珠母(贝殻里层坚硬光滑而发亮的彩色物质, 可用于制造钮扣、装饰品等)。 ~ship n one from which other ships (eg submarines) get supplies. 母舰(其他舰艇,如潜艇等, 获取补给的舰只)。 ~ tongue n one's native language. 本国语言; 家乡话。 ~ wit n common sense; the intelligence with which one is born. 常识; 天赋 O'~hood /-hud; -zhud/ n [U] state of being a ~. 母性; 母权; 母亲的地位。 ~less adj having no ~. 无母亲的。 -like adj in the manner of a 似母勇的。~ adj having, showing, the tender, kind qualities of a 母亲的; 母性的; 母爱的; 慈爱的。 ~ liness n v/ [VP6A] take care of (as a ~ does): protect or adopt (a child) as one: s own. 对…尽母职; 保护或收养(小孩)视同己子。




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