锻(鍛)duànⅠ ❶ (把金属加热后捶打;锻造) forge ❷ [书] (用锤子敲打) beat with a hammer;hammer ❸ [书] (反复推敲,锤炼) deliberate repeatedly;weigh;hammer out;polish ❹ [书] (罗织罪名,陷人于罪) frame sb. up Ⅱ [书] ❶ (锻铁的砧石) hamming block ❷ (脯,干肉) dried meat ◆锻比 forging ratio; 锻锤 forging hammer;blacksmith's [counterblow] hammer; 锻钢 forged steel;steel forging; 锻工 (指工人) metalsmith;vulcan;hammersmith;forger;blacksmith;(锻造工作) forging; 锻焊 forge welding;hammer welding;smithwelding;fire [blacksmith] welding;weldforged;welding by forging; 锻合金 {冶} wrought alloy; 锻炼 (体育锻炼) take exercise;have physical training;(磨炼) temper;steel;toughen; 锻炉 {机} forge furnace; 锻模 forging die; 锻铁 ironwork;wrought iron;{冶} forge pigs; 锻压 forge and press;forge and stamp; 锻造 forge;forging;smith forging;smithing;hammering;blacksmithing; 锻造用锤 about-sledge; 锻渣 anvil dross [cinder];锻轧机 forging rolls;reduce roll machine; 锻制 forge |