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单词 bloom
bloom/blu:m/ n & vi

n (1) 花(卉) (flower esp of plants admired chiefly for their flowers) [C]:This plant/That rose has one white~. 这植物/那玫瑰开一朵白花。The~s are withering now.这些花在凋谢。the~of the cherry tree樱桃树的花;What beautiful~s! 多美的花!〖同〗blossom,flower;

(2) 青春,完美(freshness;great perfection or beauty)[U]:be in the~of youth/beauty 正当青春年少/花容年华;have lost the~of youth/beauty韶华/风韵已逝;Her face shone with the~of youth.她的脸青春焕发。Humanism reached full~in the Renaissance.人文主义在文艺复兴时期达到了鼎盛。

(3) 粉霜(衣) (thin powdery coating that forms on ripe plums grapes or leaves etc) [U]:the~of the grape/the plums 葡萄/李子上的粉霜;

in (full) bloom (花)盛开:The flowers/roses are all in~.花/玫瑰花盛开。The gardens are all in~.花园都已百花盛开。lovely almond trees in~花儿盛开的美丽杏树;Her genius was in full~. (fig)她正值才华横溢时期。

take the bloom off sth 使光华尽失 (infml):Many angry quarrels have taken the~off their friendship/their marriage.多次恶言争吵使他们的友谊/婚姻失去了光辉。

vi (1) 开花 (produce yield bear flowers) [I]:The roses/trees/plants are~ing. 那些玫瑰/树/植物正在开花。Many plants~in the spring.许多植物春天开花。It has a beautiful orange flower which~s in November.这种植物11月开一种美丽的橘红色花。〖同〗flower,blossom;〖反〗die;

(2) 繁荣,兴旺 (flourish; develop)[I] (fig):Their friendship is~ing.他们的友谊正在增进。The arts of painting are~ing.绘画艺术正在繁荣。Musical talent usually~s at an early age.音乐天才通常在幼年时就充分展露出来。New playgrounds are~ing across the country.新型运动场风行全国。a recurrent fad that~s from time to time一种不时流行起来的时尚;〖同〗flourish;〖反〗fade;

(3) 草木茂盛,百花盛开((of a garden etc) become rich in plant life or flowers)[I I+prep(with)]:The garden is~ing with spring flowers.花园里,春天的花盛开。make the desert~使沙漠变成绿州;

(4) 健康,精力旺盛 ((esp of women) be in a healthy or flourishing condition (because of sth))[I I+prep(with)] (fig):She was~ing with happiness/beauty.她显得很幸福/美丽。Mary was~ing with health after her holiday.玛丽休完假后显得神采弈弈。She was ill but is~ing now.她生病来着,但眼下开始有精神了。

【辨异】bloomblossom都可用作nv,表示“花”和“开花”。区别在于bloom 指供观赏的“花卉”,而blossom指果树及灌木的花。





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