释义 |
锦上添花jǐn shàng tiān huāadd flowers to a piece of brocade (/embroidery)—make perfection still more perfect; give and add grace to what is already beautiful; make what is good still better; put the tin hat on ❍ 更得诸公相助,如~。(《水浒全传》555) If we can get the assistance of you gentlemen it will be like adding flowers to embroidery. ❍ 魏强、刘文彬听到鬼子要路祭,都觉得这是给执行中的计划来了个~。(冯志《敌后武工队》320) Information that the Japenese were coming to pay their respect as well added the final touch to their plans. ❍ 对于他们,第一步需要还不是“~”,而是“雪中送炭”。(《毛泽东选集》819) For them the prime need is not “more flowers on the brocade”but “fuel in snowy weather.”/天幸今得贤弟来此间镇守,正如~,旱苗得雨。(《水浒全传》628) How fortunate we are that you’ve come to protect us! You’ll be like‘flowers stitches on brocade’,like rain to parched sprouts’./贾环等商议定了,王仁便去找邢大舅,贾芸便去回邢王二夫人,说得~。(《红楼梦》1509) Once they had agreed to this,Wang Ren went to find Uncle Xing while Jia Yun made this proposal—in an embroidered form—to Their Ladyships. 锦上添花jin shang tian huaadd flowers to the brocade—make what is good still better 锦上添花add flowers to the brocade;guild refined gold “~” 不如 “雪中送炭”。“Fuel in snowy weather” is better than “flowers on the brocade”. 锦上添花jǐn shànɡ tiān huā锦:有彩色花纹的丝织品。在织锦上面再绣上花。比喻美上加美,好上加好。more flowers on the brocade, make perfection still more perfect, add flowers on the brocade, add brilliance to one’s present splendour |