锥(錐)zhuīⅠ ❶ (锥子) awl ❷ (似锥物) awl-shaped things: 冰 ~ icicle ❸ (锥体) cone: 冰川岩屑 ~ debris cone; 火山口 ~ crater cone; 熔岩 ~ lava cone; 圆 ~ circular cone Ⅱ (钻) drill; bore: ~ 孔 make a hole with an awl ◆锥齿轮 {机} bevel gear; angle gear; bevel wheel; 锥(体)虫 trypanosome; 锥处囊中 like an awl in a bag — real talent will be discovered; 锥刀之末 negligible profits; 锥度 {机} taper; conical degree; 锥面 conical surface; pyramidal face; {数} cone; 锥式 bevel-type; prod-type; 锥体 pyramis; pyramid; conule; skittle; taper profile; cone; taper; 锥形 {机} taper; cone; cone- shape; 锥状 taper; coniform; 锥子 awl |