释义 |
锋(鋒)fēnɡ ❶ (锐利或尖端的部分) the sharp point or cutting edge of a sword,etc.:剑 ~ the cutting edge of a sword; 针 ~ 相对 give tit for tat ❷ (在前列带头的) van;vanguard;front:前 ~ spearhead of army; 先 ~ vanguard;pioneer ❸ {气} front:冷[热] ~ cold [warm] front ◆锋镝交加 heavy fighting;warfare; 锋镝余生 a narrow escape from cannon and fire; 锋利 sharp;keen;incisive;sharp;poignant; 锋芒 cutting edge;spearhead;talent displayed;abilities; 锋芒逼人 display one's talent in an aggressive manner; 锋芒毕露 fail to show restraint;make a showy display of one's ability;show one's ability [knowledge] to the full extent; 锋芒草 prickle grass; 锋芒初露 display one's talent for the first time; 锋芒所向 direct the spearhead against...;direct the sharp edge of struggle against...;Wherever the force has directed its attack ...; 锋芒太露 show too much of one's ability; 锋芒小试 display only a small part of one's talent; 锋芒直指 be directed at...; 锋面 {气} frontal surface |