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单词 销声匿迹

销声匿迹销声敛迹xiāo shēng nì jī

abscond quietly; cease all public activities; cease to make public appearances; disappear (/withdraw) from the scene; be (/go into) hiding; go to the winds;keep silent and lie low; make oneself scarce; stay in concealment; vanish without leaving any trace;/特务被吓得~了。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》294)The terrified warders were as quiet as mice.
❍ 经过袁世凯这样连续的捧场,民国元年间一度消声匿迹的王公大臣们,又穿戴起蟒袍补褂、红顶马翎,……(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》87)These attentions from Yuan Shikai encouraged those princes and former Qing officials who had been lying low throughout the first year of the Republic to put on their robes with official insignia and to wear their red hat buttons and peacock feathers; …


keep silent and lie low;disappear from the scene

销声匿迹xiāo shēnɡ nì jī

销:减少,消除;匿:隐瞒。形容隐藏起来或不公开露面。disappear from the scene, fly low, go to the winds, abscond quietly





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