铺(鋪)pūⅠ ❶ (把东西展开或摊平) spread; extend; unfold: 把稻草 ~ 在院子里 lay straw over the yard; 把毯子 ~ 在草地上 spread out a rug on the grass; 把桌布 ~ 在桌子上 spread a tablecloth on the table; 运动已经全面 ~ 开。 The movement is fully under way. ❷ (铺设) pave; lay: ~ 路面 surface a road; ~ 铁轨 lay a railway track; 一条砖 ~ 的小路 a path paved with bricks; 用混凝土 ~ 路 pave a road with concrete; 多数街道是用柏油 ~ 的。 Most streets are laid with asphalt. 他们最近 ~ 了一条地下管道。 Recently they have laid an underground pipeline. 我相信这个条约将为欧洲的和平 ~ 平道路。 I believe this treaty will pave the way to peace in Europe. Ⅱ (用于炕或床): 一 ~ 床 a bed 另见 see also pù。 ◆铺碴 ballasting; 铺陈 narrate in detail; describe at great length; elaborate; 铺陈华丽 arrange beautifully; decorate attractively; 铺衬 small pieces of cloth used for patches; 铺床 make the bed; 铺地砖 floor tile; paving tile; 铺垫 bedding; foreshadowing; 铺盖 spread out [smooth out] a sheet, a piece of paper, etc. and cover sth. with it; blanket; 铺盖 bedding; bedclothes; 铺轨 lay a railway track; 铺开 spread; 铺路 paving; 铺排 put in order; arrange; [方] be extravagant; 铺砌 pave; 铺设 spread out; lay; build; laying; 铺天盖地 blot out the sky and cover up the earth; overspread; 铺叙 narrate in detail; elaborate; 铺展 spread out; sprawl; 铺张 extravagant; 铺张浪费 extravagance and waste; extravagant
铺(鋪);[舖]pù ❶ (铺子; 商店) shop; store: 肉 ~ meat shop; butcher's (shop); 修鞋 ~ shoe-repair shop; 杂货 ~ grocery (store) ❷ (用板子搭的床) plank bed ❸ (旧时的驿站, 现多用于地名) post; courier station in old times (often used in place names) 另见 see also pū。 ◆铺板 bed board; bed plank; 铺保 guarantee for a person, given by a shopkeeper; 铺底 [旧] the furniture and odds and ends of a shop, workshop, etc.; 铺户 shop; 铺家 [方] shop; 铺面 shop front; storefront; 铺位 bunk; berth; 铺子 shop; store |