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单词 try
try/traɪ/ v [-yies/z/;-yied,-yied/d/]; n

v (1)设法努力做(尝试)(make an effort;attempt)[II+to-inf]:You might at least~. 你至少可以试一试。He~ied but didn't succeed. 他试了但没成功。~to finish sth on time/improve one's pronunciation/restrain oneself 设法按时完成某事/改进自己的发音/克制自己;~not to be late 尽量不迟到;(let us)~and eat a little/help him/climb the mountain (让我们)想尽量吃一点/帮助他/爬上那座山;~one's best (to do sth)尽量,极力(想一切办法)(做某事);〖同〗attempt;

(2)试(make use of sth or sb to see if it is suitable or successful for one's purposes)[T+nT+n+prepT+-ing]:T~the new toothpaste/the chopsticks/some aspirin/your luck 试试新牙膏/这筷子/吃点阿斯匹林/你的运气;~some raw fish/the local beer/a drop 尝尝生鱼/尝尝这当地啤酒/尝一点儿;~growing one's own vegetables/cutting off sb's retreat/knocking at the backdoor 试着自己种菜/切断某人的退路/敲敲后门;I think we'll~Germany for our holiday this year. 我想今年我们去德国度假。T~how far you can throw/whether it will break/which takes the longest. 试试看你能扔多远/它会不会折断/哪种办法最费时。~one's hand at/in 试做某事;~out 试用;〖同〗use,sample,prove,test;

(3)考验,使忍(遭、承)受(make sufferput to a severe test)[T+n]:(very bright light)~one's eyes (强光)伤眼睛;(task)~one's nerves (任务)使某人感到极度紧张;The last steep ascent~ied his every muscle. 爬最后一个陡坡使他感到极度的疲劳。~sb's patience/sb's courage/sb's faith 考验某人的耐性/勇气/忠诚;

(4) 1)审判(案件)(examine or hear (a case) in a court of law) [T+npass]: The case was~ied in secret/before a jury/by the court-martial. 此案秘密地/在陪审团在场的情况下/由军事法庭进行了审判。2)审问(讯)(put (an accused person) on trial in a court)[T+nT+n+prep (for)]:He will be~ied next week. 他下周受审判。~sb for murder/robbery with violence 以谋杀罪/暴力抢劫罪审判某人;

try for (v prep) 设法得到,争取(vt):~for a university scholarship/a medal/a position 争取得到大学的奖学金/奖牌/职位;

try on (v adv) 1)试穿(vt):~on one's new suit/a new hat 试新套服/新帽子; 2)耍花招(vt):~on one's little games with sb 跟某人耍花招;

→tried adj 可靠的,有效的;′trier n 孜孜以求的人;′trying adj 使人厌烦的;磨人脾气、性子的;′try-on n 试探;′try-out n 测(验);

n 努力,尝试(act of trying to do sth)[C][N(at)]:have/make a~作一次努力;give the new dishwasher a~试试那台新的洗碟机;have three~s at mending the door/at the answer 试着修了那扇门三次/有三次回答机会;〖同〗attempt,effort,test;

【用法】在英语中,有些动词后接不定式作宾语和后接动名词作宾语的意义不同,try 就属此类。try to do sth 意思为“尽力去做”(但不一定成功),如:try to write out one's views(努力把自己的想法写下来)。而try doing sth 意思则为“试着去做某事”,如:try writing out one's views(试着写出自己的想法)。另外,在非正式英语中,try to do sth 常常被try and do sth 所代替,但后者一般用于祈使句,或用于将来时。

【辨异】try attemptendeavourstrive 的区别见ATTEMPT。





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