释义 |
铸成大错zhù chéng dà cuòbe up to one’s neck in error; lead to serious blunders; make a gross error;make a grave (/stupendous)mistake ❍ 有的人犯了错误,自己不知道是错误,或者是别人指出了他的错误,他企图掩饰错误,甚至保护错误,寄托在侥幸上,不想改正错误,一错再错,就~了。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—511)Some people,when they’ve made a mistake,don’t realize that they’ve made a mistake or,after some one else has pointed out their mistake,try to hide their mistake or even cling to it and trust to luck,without any intention of correcting their mistake.The result is that their mistakes pile up until they're up to their necks in error. ❍ 在正确的指导和冷静的思考下,加上他的勇敢,战斗不断取得胜利。如果失掉了掌握,当他头脑发热,感情完全掩没了理智的时候,他也会~。(知侠《铁道游击队》-436) With cool-headed and correct guidance,plus his great courage,such will power could ensure splendid victories,but if over whelmed by passion,it could lead to serious blunders. 铸成大错make a serious blunder; commit a gross error 铸成大错zhù chénɡ dà cuò造成非常大的错误。make a gross error, make a great mistake, commit a howler, have been badly wronged |