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单词 trust
trust/trʌst/ nv [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n (1)信任(赖)(confidencefaith or absolute belief)[U]:have absolute (complete/perfect/a great deal of/no)~in (the skill of) the doctors/sb's ability/the government's promises 绝对(完全/非常/非常/不)相信医生(的医术)/某人的能力/政府的承诺;place/put (all) one's~in sb/in sb's words/in sb's promises(完全)相信某人/某人的话/某人的许诺;deserve/betray/abuse/break/shake sb's~值得/辜负/滥用/辜负/动摇某人的信任;He~d you,and you must live up to that~. 他信任你,你也不要辜负他对你的信任。(good marriage) be based on~(美满婚姻)以信任为基础;〖同〗confidence,faith,belief;〖反〗doubt,disbelief,mistrust,distrust;

(2)职责,责任(obligation or responsibility imposed on one in whom confidence or authority is placed)[U]:hold a position of (great)~担任责任重大的职位;fulfill one's~尽责;be faithful to one's~忠于职守;lay~on sb 委某人以责任;(government) be a sacred~(政府)负有神圣的职责;

(3) 1)信托财产(物)(money or property held and managed by one party or people for the benefit of another)[C]:create (establish)~s for one's children/the education of orphans 为孩子们/孤儿能受教育建立信托财产;The money is a~I'm holding for my youngest brother/dead brother's children. 这些钱是我替我小弟/死去的兄弟的孩子们托管的财产。a~fund 信托基金;~company 信托公司; 2)信(委)托,保管(act of holding and controlling property or money for another person's benefit or for a specified purpose)[U]:hold/have some money in~for sb until he is 21 替某人托管一些钱到他21岁; 3)财产(物)信托机构(group of people holding and controlling money or property for another person's benefit or for a specified purpose)[C]:set up a~to educate poor children 为穷孩子受教育建一个财产信托机构;a wildfowl~保护野禽信托基金会;

(4)(托某人)照顾,保护(charge or care)[U]:The child was put in my grandmother's~. 这个孩子由我祖母照顾。My wife was placed in my mother-in-law's~. 我妻子由我岳母照顾。leave one's pets in~with a neighbor/in a neighbor's~将宠物托邻居照顾;

(5)赊账(confidence in a buyer's intention and ability to pay at some future time;credit)[U]:supply/sell goods (groceries) on~赊账提供/销售货物(食品杂货);

(6)托拉斯,联合企业(combination of industrial or commercial companies in which the stock is controlled by a central board of trusteesthus making it possible to control pricesdestroy competitionetc)[C]:The companies formed a~. 这几个公司组建成一个联合企业。a steel~钢铁联合企业;anti-~laws 反托拉斯法;

take ... on trust 不加证明地相信:take sb's story/one's friend on~轻易相信某人的故事/自己的朋友;

→′trustful adj 深信不疑的;′trustfully adv 深信不疑地;′trustfulness n 深信;′trusting adj 深信不疑的;′trustingly adv 深信不疑地;′trustworthy adj 值得信赖的,可靠的,可信任的;′trustworthiness adj 可信,信赖;′trusty adj 可信任的,可靠的;′trustily adv 可信赖地;′trustiness n 可信赖,可靠;

v (1) 信赖(任)(have confidence or faith;believe)[T+n]:(not)~sb's memory/sb's judgment/sb's account of what happened/what sb says(不)相信某人的记忆/判断/对发生的事件的叙述/说的话;Those people are not to be~ed. 那些人不可信赖。〖同〗believe;〖反〗disbelieve,mistrust,distrust;

(2)相信(某人)会……(relydepend or count upon;place confidence in sb or sth)[T+n+prepC+n+to-inf]:~sb with one's car/one's money/one's life/one's secret/one's valuable things 把自己的车/钱/生命/秘密/贵重东西托付给某人;~sb with a position of responsibility/the details of a scheme把负有责任的职位交给某人/把计划的细则告诉某人;~one's car/one's keys/one's affairs/one's children/oneself to sb 把车/钥匙/事务/孩子们/自己托付给某人;can not~a boy out of one's sight/out of doors 一看不见孩子就不放心/不放心孩子在户外活动;~sb to keep his promises/do sth right/go out alone at night 相信某人会保守秘密/相信某人会把某事做好/放心让某人晚上单独出去;~the trains to run on time 相信火车能准点;

(3)希望(hopeexpect or assume)[I+to-infT+that](fml):~to hear better news/be able to join sb/receive a cheque at sb's earliest convenience 希望听到更好的消息/参加到某些人当中去/尽早收到某人的支票;~that sb will enjoy himself/have a good time/be successful 希望某人玩得高兴/玩得愉快/成功;

(4)赊给(allow to have money or goods on credit)[T+n]:Will you~me until payday? 你能让我赊账到发薪的日子吗?~sb for a typewriter/a packet of cigarettes 赊给某人一台打字机/一包烟;

trust in (v prep)相信,对……有信心(vt):~in providence/one's own judgment/one's friends 相信天命/自己的判断/自己的朋友;

trust to (v prep)依赖(靠)运气;任其自然(vt):~to luck/fate/chance/fortune/memory/instinct 凭运气/命运/机遇/机会/记忆/直觉;

→tru′stee n 受托人;tru′steeship n 受托人的职位;托管;

【辨异】trust assuranceconfidencedependencefaith的区别见CONFIDENCE。





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