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单词 blood
blood/blʌd/ n & vt

n (1) 血(液)(red liquid which flows round the bodies of humans and animals)[U]:give/donate~献血; lose~失血; shed one's~in vain 白白流血;the circulation of the~血液循环;~bank/pressure/type/group/vessel血库/血压/血型/血型/血管;~test/transfusion验血/输血;~sports 狩猎;B~poured from the wound in his side.血从他肋部的伤口往外涌。a historical lesson written in~血写的历史教训;

(2) 血统(亲)(family relation;descent;race)[U](fml):of noble/royal/the same/Indian~门第高贵/出身于皇族/为同一血统/是印第安血统;a prince of the~(royal) 王子;have foreign/Scottish~in one's veins有外国/苏格兰血统;They are related by~.他们有血缘关系。There was eastern~on her mother's side.她母亲方面有东方人血统。~relation/feud 血亲(骨肉)/家族间的世仇;a ~relative 血亲;B~is thicker than water.血浓于水(血亲比外人亲)。Music is in his~.他有音乐世家的遗传天赋。He's got sport in his~.他天生就有运动员的素质。〖同〗descent,race,family;

(3) 血气,脾气,怒火(strong esp bad angry or unpleasant feeling)[U]:create bad~between two countries在两国间挑唆仇怨;There is bad~between them.他们之间情绪激烈对立。He is a terror when his~is up.脾气一上来,他是个凶神。His behaviour really made her~boil.他的行为使她勃然大怒。a person of hot~血气方刚的人;murder people in cold~冷酷无情地杀戳;

new/fresh blood新生血液(力量):It's time we got some new~in this company. 这个公司该吸收一些新生力量了。

→′bloodless adj 无(不流)血的;无精打采的;′bloody adj 流(嗜)血的;v 血染;′bloodbath n 大屠杀;′blood-brother n 亲兄弟,歃血盟兄弟;′bloodcurdling adj 令人毛骨悚然的;′blood-donor n 献血者;′blood-heat n 人体正常体温;′bloodhound n 猎(警)犬;′bloodletting n 放血;′blood-lust n 杀人欲;′blood-money n 付给杀手的钱;′blood-poisoning n 血中毒;͵blood-′red adj 血红的;′blood-relation n 有血缘关系的亲属;′bloodshed n (战斗)流血;′bloodshot adj 充血的;′bloodstained adj 血迹(污)的;′bloodstream n (循环中的)血流;′bloodsucker n 吸血鬼; ′bloodthirsty adj 嗜血成性的;

vt (1) 让猎狗初尝猎物的血味(allow(a hunting dog) to taste the blood of eg a killed fox for the first time)[T+n, 常pass];

(2) 使初次体验(give sb his first experience of some activity)[T+n,常pass] (fig):This will be his first match for his school; he hasn't been~ed. 这将是他第一次代表学校比赛;他还是个新手。He is not any good at the game yet;he's just being~ed. 他在比赛中还不出色,他这是初出茅庐。





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