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单词 money
释义 money I'msni ; 'mAni/ n 1 [U] coins stamped from metal (gold, copper, alloys), printed notes, given and accepted when buying and selling, etc: 钱; 货币: I keep my ~ in the bank. 我把我的钱存在银行。 I could hear — jingling in his pocket. 我听见他口袋里的 NUM 地响。 be coining/'minting ~, be getting rich quickly. 迅速致富; 基富。 be in the ~, (sl) be rich. (E) 富逼有钱。 get one's worth, get full value for ~ spent. 花镜得到应得的价值; 捞回本儿。 make ~, earn it. 赚钱。 marry ~, marry a rich person. 娶(嫁)富有的人。 (pay) ~ down, (pay) in cash (contrasted with credit). 付现金(与 credit 相对) o put ~ into sth, invest ~ in an enterprise, etc. 夜资于某一企业等。 ~ of ac- 'count, caccount1 (2). ready ~, cash (contrasted with credit, etc). 现款; 现钱(与 credit 等相对)。 2 (compounds) (复合字) '~box n closed box into which coins are dropped through a slit, used for savings or for collecting contributions (to char i-ties,etc). 钱箱(储蓄或收集捐款用); 扑满 0'—changer n one whose business is to exchange ~ of one country for that of another country. 以兑换各国货币为业的人; 兑换业者。 '■~-grubber n person whose chief or only interest in life is making ~ . 守财奴; 唯利是图的人。 '~-lender n one whose business is to lend ~ at interest. 放债的人。 the '—market n the body of bankers, financiers, etc whose operations -decide the rates of interest on borrowed capital. 金融市场。 ' ~ order n order'(7) bought from a post office for ~ to be paid by another post office to a named person. (邮政) 满票。'spinner n (colloq) book, play, etc that makes a lot of ~. (俗)赚大钱的书、戏剧等。 3 (pl, moneys or monies) /'mAniz; 'mAniz/ (legal or archaic) sums of (法律或古)金额: ~s paid in/out; 收进(付出)的钱数; sundry ~s owing to the estate. 来百财产的各项收益。 ~ed /'mAnid; 'mAnxd/ adj having (much) ~: 有钱的; 富有的; a ~ed man; 富入; the ~ed classes; 着钱兰级; the ~ed interest, the owners of capital. 金融业者; 资本家; 金融界。 ~less adj having no 没钱的。




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