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单词 troop
troop/tru:p/ n & vi

n (1)军队,部队(soldiersesp enlisted persons)[pl]:invading/foreign~s 侵略军/外国军队;keep one's~s on alert 使(本国)军队处于戒备状态;The moral of the~s is high. 军队的道德水准高。~carrier 军队运输舰(机);〖同〗army;

(2)装甲(炮兵,骑兵)连(unit of armoured vehicles or artillery or cavalry)[C]:two artillery~s 两个炮兵连;

(3)大群(large group or company of people or animals moving together)[C]:a~of schoolchildren/visitors/shoppers/monkeys 一群学童/参观者/购物者/猴子;~s of deer 一群群的鹿;〖同〗unit,company,band,throng,crowd,gang,swarm;

(4)童子军小队(unit of at least five Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts under the guidance of an adult leader)[C]:A Girl/Boy Scout~女/男童子军小队;

vi 成群结队而行(move or go together as a troop;move along)[II+prepI+adv](常用pl主语):~into a meeting/an office/a canteen 结队进入会场/办公室/小卖部;~out of school/a classroom结队离开学校/教室;~down to breakfast/around the teacher 结队去吃早饭/成群地围在老师周围;~ing the colour (BrE) 军旗敬礼分列式;〖同〗march,parade,step;

→′trooper n 骑军,装甲兵;州警察;′troop-ship n 运兵船;

【辨异】1)troopsarmy的区别见ARMY。2)troop band companyparty的区别见BAND。





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