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单词 mole
释义 mole2 /maul; mol/ n small, dark-grey, fur-covered animal with tiny eyes, living in tunnels (or burrows) which it makes in the ground. DA, → the illus at small, 参不 small 之插图。 blind as a ~, having bad eye-sight. 视力很袤的。 '~-skin n fur of a ~, used for making garments and hats. 限鼠皮(制表帽等用)。 '~→hill n pile of earth thrown up by a ~ while burrowing. 鼠丘(蜓鼠掘地洞时所堆积的泥土堆)。 make a mountain out of a ~-hill, make a trivial matter seem important. 小题大做。




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