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单词 trip
trip/trɪp/ v [-pp-]; n

v (1) 1)绊了一下,绊倒(strike the foot against or stumble over sthlosing one's balance)[II+prep (over),I+adv (over/up)]:He~ped (over) and fall. 他被绊了一下,摔倒了。~over the carpet/the basket/a cat/the root 被地毯/篮子/猫/树根绊倒了;He~ped up over his own feet. 他自己绊了自己一下。~up on the mat让垫子绊倒了;〖同〗stumble,slip,fall over; 2)下绊,使绊倒(cause to stumble or fall)[T+nT+n+adv (up)]:A root~s Mary. 树根把玛丽绊倒。put out one's foot/one's leg to~sb 伸脚/腿去绊某人;~up a member of the other team 把对方的队员绊倒;He~ped her (up) with his foot. 他用脚把她绊倒。

(2)轻快地走(跑等)(walkmoveskipor dance with shortlight steps)[II+prepI+adv]:~lightly as a bird 像小鸟一样轻快地跑着;(children)~happily along the road/daintily across the stage(孩子们)沿着马路欢快地跑着/在舞台上轻巧优雅地跳过;come~ping down the path/the stairs 沿着小路/楼梯跑了下来;〖同〗skip,dance;

(3)打开(开关);启动(机器)(release(a switch) setting sth in operation)[T+n]:~the shutter/the alarm bell/the lever/the circuit breaker 按(照相机)快门/触发警报器/松开控制杆/打开断路器;He~ped the wire,setting the alarm bells ringing. 他碰了电线,使警铃声骤起。〖同〗release,pull;

(4)(使)出错(泄密)((cause sb to) make a mistakemisjudgment or reveal a secret)[T+n+adv(up);I+adv(up)]:~the witnesses/the prisoner up使各个证人自相矛盾/让囚犯泄密;The hard math problem~ped up most of the students. 这道数学难题难住了大部分学生。~up in the interview 在会见中说了错话;

→′tripping adj 轻快的;′trippingly adv 轻快地;

n (1)短途旅行(游)(short journey or voyageesp for pleasure)[C]:a~to the seaside/the countryside/Europe 去海边/乡下/欧洲旅行;go on (take/make) a~去旅行;cancel the~abroad 取消出国旅行;a vocation/bus/honeymoon~度假/乘汽车/蜜月旅行;a business/camping~出差/野营远足;go (be away) on a short/long~去短途/长途旅行;〖同〗journey,voyage,excursion,tour;

(2)差错(mistake)[C]:a~of the tongue 说溜了嘴;make a~in the statement 在声明中出了个差错;

(3)幻觉(尤指服迷幻药后)(experienceesp one caused by a mind-charging drug)[C](sl):a good/bad~令人兴奋/沮丧的幻觉;an acid~迷幻药产生的幻觉;


(5)松开机械开关的装置 (device for switch-ing sth on or making it start)[C];

→′trip-wire n 绊索;′tripper n 远足的人,作短途旅行的人;

【辨异】trip excursionjourneytourtravelvoyage的区别见EXCURSION。





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