钻(鑽)zuānⅠ ❶ (用尖物在另一物体上转动) drill; bore: ~ 个眼儿 drill a hole; bore ❷ (穿过; 进入) go through; penetrate; pierce; get into: ~ 山洞 pass through a tunnel; get into a cave; ~ 进密林深处 go deep into a forest; 月亮从云缝里 ~ 了出来。 The moon broke through the clouds. 我冷得 ~ 心。 The cold pierced me to the heart. ❸ (钻研) make a penetrating study of; study intensively; dig into: ~ 书本 dig into books; ~ 上了数学 study hard at mathematics; 他要是 ~ 一个问题, 就非 ~ 个水落石出不可。 When he digs into a problem he does not give up until he gets to the bottom. Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 荼 Zuan Tu 另见 see also zuàn。 ◆钻进 worm one's way [oneself] in [into]; drilling; 钻空子 avail oneself of loopholes; seek loopholes; exploit an advantage; take advantage of loopholes in a law, a set of regulations; work on the weak side of sb.'s character; 钻谋 use pull to get what one wants; seek advantage for oneself by all means; curry favour with sb. in power for personal gain; 钻牛角尖 take unnecessary pains to study an insignificant [insoluble] problem; split hairs; get (oneself) into a dead end; get into a blind alley; 钻圈 {杂技} jumping [plunging] through hoops; 钻探 probing; misering; testboring; drilling; exploration drilling; 钻研 study intensively; dig into; 钻营 curry favour with sb. in authority for personal gain; secure personal gain
钻(鑽)zuànⅠ ❶ (打眼用的工具) drill; auger: 台 ~ bench drill; 麻花 ~ fluted or twist drill; 手摇 ~ hand drill; crank [manual] auger ❷ (指钻石) diamond; jewel: ~ 戒 diamond ring; 十七 ~ 的手表 a 17-jewel watch Ⅱ (用尖物在另一物体上转动) drill; bore: 在墙上 ~ 个眼 bore a hole in wall 另见 see also qián; zuān。 ◆钻床 {机} drilling machine; drill machine; drill press; gadding machine; machine drill; driller; 钻杆 bull rod; bar; rod; drill stem; drill pipe; jackrod (手持式风钻); bore rod; boring bar; drilling rod; drilling pipe; drill rod; 钻机 {机} (drilling) rig; drilling machine; 钻井 borehole; well drilling; 钻具 drilling tool; drilling rig; 钻孔 {矿} drill; bore; drill hole; perforate; borehole; solid boring; bouche; boring; punching; 钻石 diamond; brilliant; jewel; 钻塔 derrick; {机} rig; drill tower; {矿} boring tower; 钻头 boring crown; bore bit; drilling bit; {机} bit (of a drill); 钻压 bit pressure; bit weight |