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单词 钩深致远

钩深致远gōu shēn zhì yuǎn

explore (/seek/probe into) profound truth; plumb the depths and reach afar
❍ 温曰:“~,盖非浅识所测。然以礼侍亲,可称为孝。” (刘义庆 《世说新语·方正》) Wen said,“One who 'plumbs the depths and reaches afar' certainJy can't be fathomed by persons of superficial under standing,but,since he serves his parents according to the prescribed rites,he may be praised as filial."/他一生治学精深,~,去世前是一位造诣很高的学者。He spent his whole life seeking profound truth and died a scholar with great academic attainments.
❍ 探赜索隐,~。(《易 ·系辞上》)Probe into what is abstruse,mysterious and obscure so as to seek the profound truth.

钩深致远ɡōu shēn zhì yuǎn

钩:钩取;致:招致。向远大、纵深的目标开拓。比喻探索深奥的道理,或形容治学的广博精深。seek the profound truth, plumb the depths and reach afar





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