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单词 trial
trial/′traɪ ǝl/ n [-s/z/]

(1)审判(讯)(examination of and deciding upon evidencechargesand claims made in a case in court)[CU]:commit sb for~把某人收监候审;put sb on~把某人送上法庭受审;the murder/robbery~谋杀案/抢劫案的审判;~by jury/a military court 审判由陪审团/军事法庭进行;get/hold a fair~得到/进行公正的审判;The~ended in acquittal for the defendants. 审判以宣判被告无罪而告终。His case came to~last week. 他的案子上周开庭审理。His case came up for~last week. 他的案子上周开庭审理。go on/stand~受审讯(判);be/put sb on~被控告/将某人告上法庭受审;

(2)试(考)验;测试(act or process of testingtryingor putting to the proof by actual use and experience)[CU]:give a new car/plane a~试验新车/飞机;give a job applicant a~试用求职者;be put through safety~s 进行安全试验;undergo extensive medical~s 经过广泛的医学试验;a~of sb's courage/sb's strength/sb's wits/sb's faith 对某人的勇气/力量/机智/忠诚的考验;on~受检查(验);试用;the~period/purpose/production/flight/voyage/lawyer 试用期/试验目的/试生产/试飞/试航/见习律师;~run 初步测试;试航(车);〖同〗test,try,attempt;

(3)讨厌的人或物(tryingdistressing or annoying thing or person)[C][N (to)]:The child is a great~to his teachers. 这个孩子真让老师们头疼。His deafness is a great~to him. 耳聋给他造成很大麻烦。The lack of water is a great~to the explorers. 缺水对探险者来说是极麻烦的事。life's~s 生活中的烦恼;〖同〗hardship,trouble,distress,pain;〖反〗ease,comfort,joy,delight;

trials and tribulations 烦恼和忧患:The poor old man's life was full of~s and tribulations. 这位可怜的老人的生活充满了烦恼和忧患。

【辨异】trial experimenttest的区别见EXPERIMENT。





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