钢(鋼)ɡānɡ (铁和碳的合金) steel:合金 ~ alloy steel; 不锈 ~ stainless steel; 铸 ~ cast steel 另见 see also ɡànɡ。 ◆钢板 {冶}steel plate;nickelclad steel sheet;plate;spring;stencil steel board; 钢板弹簧 plate spring;band spring; 钢板桩 steel sheet pile;piling beam; 钢包 steel ladle; 钢杯 steel bowl;steel cup; 钢背 steel backing; 钢嘣儿 [口] small coin; 钢笔 pen;fountain pen; 钢[铁]便盔 skullcap; 钢箔 {冶} steel foil; 钢材 steel products;steels;rolled steel;rolled products; 钢厂 steel mill; 钢衬 {核} steel lining;steel liner; 钢尺 steel rule;steel ruler;ruler made of steel; 钢船 steel ship; 钢窗 steel sash; 钢锤 steel hammer; 钢锉 steel file; 钢带 steel band;steel tape;steel belt;steel strip; 钢刀虽快,不斩无罪之人 The innocent need have no fear of the law.; 钢锭 bloom;steel ingot;ingot steel;steel slab; 钢锭模 ingot mould;steel mould; 钢斗手推车 steel-pan wheelbarrow; 钢粉 comminuted steel shot; 钢杆 steel pole; 钢拱支架 steel arch; 钢构架 steel framework; 钢构件 steel member; 钢箍 steel hoop; 钢鼓 steel drum; 钢骨 {建} reinforcing bar; 钢骨架 steel skeleton; 钢管 steel pipe;steel piping;steel tube;steel tubing; 钢罐 steel can; 钢轨 rail;metals;steel rail;railroad rail; 钢号 steel grade;grade of steel; 钢合金 steel alloy; 钢花 spray of molten steel; 钢花呢 homespun; 钢化 tempering; 钢化玻璃 armoured glass;tempering glass;toughened glass;stalinite; 钢环 steel loop;steel ring; 钢簧 steel spring; 钢夹 clip; 钢架 steel frame; 钢鉴别仪 steel sorter; 钢键 steel key; 钢结构 {建} steel structure;steel construction; 钢筋 concrete iron;concrete reinforcing bars; rebar;reinforcing bar;reinforced bar;reinforcing steel;steel reinforcement; 钢筋混凝土 steel reinforced concrete;armoured concrete;steel concrete;reinforced concrete; 钢筋铁胆 have an iron resolve and steel sinews; 钢筋铁骨 a body strong as iron;(have) muscles of iron;muscles of steel; 钢精 aluminium (as used for utensils); 钢锯 hacksaw;metal saw;steel saw; 钢卷尺 tape;metallic tape;steel tape;steel measuring tape;steel-band tape; 钢盔 (steel) helmet; 钢缆 wirerope; 钢梁 girder steel;steel girder; 钢铆钉 steel rivet; 钢坯 billet;bloom;steel bloom;steel billet;steel feed; 钢皮 sheetmetal;steel sheath;thin sheet; 钢片 steel disc; 钢瓶 cylinder;steel cylinder; 钢钎 bull-point;bull-prick;drill rod;drill steel; 钢钳 pucellas; 钢桥 steel bridge; 钢琴 piano;pianoforte; 钢青铜 {冶} steel bronze; 钢球 steel ball;“钢人”语言 {计} Steelman language; 钢绳 steel cable; 钢水 {冶} molten steel;liquid steel; 钢丝 steel wire;wire;wire-steel; 钢丝绒 steel wool; 钢丝绳 wirerope;{油工} wire line;armoured rope;rope;steel cable;steel wire rope; 钢丝绳用钢丝 rope wire; 钢丝网 hardware cloth;steel wire gauze; 钢丝网水泥 ferro-cement; 钢丝芯 wire-core; 钢索 steel cable;cable;cable wire;steel rope;wire rope; 钢塔 head tower; 钢套 steel bushing;steel jacket; 钢条 steel bar;steel girder;iron rod;steel ribbon;steel rod; 钢铁 iron and steel;steel;iron;unbreakable; 钢铁长城 a steel bulwark;great wall of steel;the bastion of iron; 钢丸 shot;steel shot; 钢网 steel mesh; 钢纤维 steel fibre; 钢线 steel wire; 钢楔 {采矿} gad;steel wedge; 钢鞋 solleret; 钢芯 steel core; 钢药筒 steel cartridge case; 钢液 molten steel; 钢印 steel seal;embossing seal;embossed stamp; 钢凿 clink; 钢渣 slag; 钢轧辊 steel roll; 钢罩 steel cage; 钢针 draw point; 钢枕 steel sleeper; 钢蒸馏罐 steel retort; 钢支柱 steel strut;steel upright; 钢直尺 straight steel ruler; 钢纸 fish paper;vulcanized fibre (paper); 钢质 steel;steely; 钢种 aluminium (as used for utensils); 钢珠 steel ball (in a ball bearing);ball bearing;ball
钢(鋼)ɡànɡ ❶ (把刀磨快) sharpen;strop;whet:把刀 ~ 一 ~ sharpen a knife;~ 剃刀 strop a razor;~ 镰刀 whet a sickle ❷ (在刀口上加上 点儿钢,重新打造,使更锋利) reinforce the edge of a knife by adding steel and retempering: 这口铡刀该 ~了。The fodder chopper needs to be reinforced. 另见 see also ɡānɡ。 ◆钢刀布 (razor) strop |