释义 |
钟(Ⅰ ❹ ❺、Ⅱ鍾、Ⅰ❶ ❷ ❸鐘)zhōnɡⅠ ❶ (用铜或铁制成的响器) bell: 晨 ~ 暮鼓 matin bells and vesper drums ❷ (计时器) clock: 石英晶体 ~ quartz clock ❸ (指钟点、时间) time: 8点 ~ eight o'clock; 休息十分 ~ have a break for ten minutes ❹ (没有把儿的杯子) handleless cup ❺ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 嵘 Zhong Rong Ⅱ (感情等集中) concentrate (one's affections, etc.): 一见 ~ 情 deeply in love at first sight ◆钟爱 dote on (a child); cherish; 钟摆 plummet; pendulum; clock pendulum; 钟表 clocks and watches; timepiece; horologe clock and watches; 钟点 [口] a time for sth. to be done or to happen; hour; 钟鼎文 inscriptions on ancient bronze objects; 钟灵毓秀 a place endowed with the fine spirits of the universe; This well-endowed region has brought forward men of talent.; 钟楼 bell tower; belfry; bellhouse; campanile; clock tower; 钟鸣鼎食 living an extravagant life; enjoy affluence; line up tripods of eatables and play musical performance during a meal; luxurious [sumptuous] life; 钟鸣漏尽 The bell ceases and the clepsydra [water clock] has run out — to be in one's declining year.; late at night; 钟琴 {音} carillon; glockenspiel; 钟情 be deeply in love; 钟乳石{地质} stalactite;{中药} stalactitum; 钟式(的) clock-type; bell-type; 钟头 [口] hour; 钟形 {无脊椎} campaniform; 钟罩 immersion bell; bell jar |