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单词 mission
释义 mission /'mijn; 'mijsn/ n 1 (the sending out of a) number of persons entrusted with special work, usu abroad: (负有特殊任务通常派往国外的)代表团; 工作团; 使节团; 此等团体之派遣: a trade ~ f。S America; 派往南美的商务团(贸易考察团) ,go/come/ send sb on a ~ of inquiry; 去(来, 派遣某人去)担任调查工作; complete one'i ~ successfully. 成功地完成任务; 达成任务。 2 (the sending out of) religious teachers paries) to convert people by preaching, teaching, etc: 布道团; 布道团之派遣: Foreign M~s; 国外布道团; Home M~s, ie to preach to people in the home country, esp those not usu interested in religion. 国内布出围。 3 place where the work of a ~ (2) is carried on; building(s), organization, etc needed for such work; settlement where charitable or medical work is carried on, esp among poor people. 传道地区; 传道机构; 传道会; 布道所; 慈善救济机构; 救济所。 4 ~ in life, that work which a person feels called upon to do: 天职: She feels her ~ in life is to reform juvenile delinquents. 她觉得她的天职是改造少年罪犯。 5 (esp US) special task, assigned to an individual or a unit of the armed forces: (尤美)(指派给某人或部队单位的)特殊任务; 作战任务: The group has flown twenty ~s. 该小组已完成了二十次的特殊飞行任琢




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